The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 423 750$


MLC Engineering Life Cycle. Distribution of stages

MLC Engineering Life Cycle. Distribution of stages

Our MLC Engineering project, aiming at the total amount required for implementation, is divided into several stages. 
Stage 1-7 (Pre-Seed stage) 
Prototyping, technology development. 
Net funding required (without fundraising costs): up to $ 2 million. 
Allocating 15% of the company's shares. 
Source of funding: private small investments by natural persons worldwide. Business angels, venture capital funds and accelerators specializing in Pre-Seed stage. 
Stages 8-12 (Seed stage) 
Creating a minimal production line and certification in one country. 
Net funding required: 
$ 5 million. 
Allocating 18% of the company's shares. 
Source of funding: large-scale investors, venture capital funds and private small investments by natural persons worldwide. 
Stages 13-17 (Round A) 
Start of scaling and growth. Creating supply chains to other countries. 
Net funding required: 
$ 20 million. 
Allocating 15% of the company's shares. 
Source of funding: large-scale investors, venture capital funds, private small investments by natural persons worldwide. 
Public Markets (IPO) 
Growth and expansion. Creating a network of branches. International expansion. 
Source of funding: professional stock market. 
Net funding required: $ 500 million. 
MLC Engineering is currently at the Pre-Seed stage and can bring tangible profits to any participant who acquires its shares at this stage. 
Active development of the project facilitates the transition from one stage to another, which means it is not worth postponing the purchase of shares. 
Today we have the most beneficial offer for the participants and the highest discount. 
Purchase shares in the MLC Engineering business most profitably!