The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 423 750$


Promote the project and earn money!

Promote the project and earn money!

You can make money here and now just by distributing information!

What do you need to do?

1. Subscribe to our social media and follow the news.
2. Activate the partner program in the personal office. You can do this by signing the partnership agreement in the "For Partners" section.
The partner program allows you to create a stable passive income for many years to come.

You can earn on regular reposting.

How does it work?
By simply distributing news via the personal office by means of reposting in social media, you can fix new clients in your structure.

Select the news in the personal office, open it, at the bottom of the news select the icon of a social media platform where you want to repost.
When a user visits the news in your repost, he or she will be recorded below you and upon further activation/registration in the personal office this user will be registered in your structure.
You can see all the registered clients in your structure in the "For Partners" section of the personal office, the "Clients Structure" tab.

No complicated actions! Share the news- fix the clients- get income!

Use all the benefits of the personal office to generate a passive income!