The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 770 500$


Kodjo Lucien KOUMESSI - National partner in Togo

Kodjo Lucien KOUMESSI - National partner in Togo

The credibility of a company is shaped by its team. The MLC Engineering team continues to grow and cover more continents, being an international project with a humanitarian mission: to increase life expectancy around the world.

On behalf of the entire company our team are happy to welcome Kodjo Lucien KOUMESSI, the National Representative of Togo, who is an undisputed leader, whose professionalism is beyond doubt and whose successful experience in projects implementation speaks for itself.

Official representative in Togo: 
Kodjo Lucien KOUMESSI
Contact details: 
WhatsApp : +22893276063