The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 731 000$


Offer! Exceptionally profitable conditions for our partners for setting up their Facebook and Telegram accounts MLC style!

Offer! Exceptionally profitable conditions for our partners for setting up their Facebook and Telegram accounts MLC style!

More and more partners and clients are joining our company. 
We are actively developing in social media communities. 
We are launching an offer to create a unified image of the company! 
Each partner can take part in it. For this, it is necessary to have a Facebook and Telegram account. 
Conditions of the offer: 
Align your personal social media account with the MLC style. 
- set up your photo against the MLC logo or make sure your avatar has no signs of participation in other projects (Telergam, Facebook); 
- set a page wallpaper design (Facebook). 
Link to the Facebook wallpaper: 
- make your page open for everyone to see, including your friends (Facebook); 
- indicate in the description that you are a partner of MLC Engineering (Telergam, Facebook); 
- save your design to keep your benefits! 
- repost all news from the personal office for your entire audience by selecting "Shared with everyone including friends" (Facebook); 
Reposts from the personal office have your partner link and clicking on it adds a new client to your structure. 
Use only your main account. Newly created accounts, as well as accounts created for the project are not taken into account! 
You must have at least 100 friends in your social media. 
What do you get? 
1. Increased partner status by +1 step. It is activated 30 days after registration. 
2. Get a promo code for a 10% to 30% discount on the company's investment packages every month after the account check. 
The promo codes are valid for 30 days. 
10% promocode 
Given to everyone who has 100 to 300 friends. 
20% promo code 
Given to everyone who has 300 to 500 friends. 
30% promo code 
Given to everyone who has 500 and more friends. 
Invite more friends to your Facebook account and get promo codes with a bigger value. 
A promo code is a great tool to encourage your customers to invest. 
3. A gift of 5,000 shares each month for meeting the conditions. 
4. You will be added to a private Telegram chatbot, where you will get exclusive promo offers and channel them to your audience. 
Spend only 30 minutes to design and repost news monthly and enjoy unique beneficial conditions! 
Once you've got your social media design ready, let us know in our tech support chat!