2023 started for the project with a lot of negotiations with major companies, which can act as potential partners, investors or distributors of our project's products.
On January 30, 2023 a memorandum of intent was signed as part of negotiations with Pharma Market, a manufacturer of numerous pharmaceutical products on the Algerian market.
According to the results of the meeting with Sofian Stumpf, national representative of MLC Engineering in Algeria, the next steps of possible cooperation were outlined and the memorandum of intent was signed.
Here is the link to the memorandum: https://mail-cdn.mlc.health/img/memorandum_pharma_makers.jpg
Algeria is a large market, with more than 6 million people in the country having diabetes and needing glucose control.
It is Algeria that will be prioritized as one of the first countries to set up a production line in.
Today everyone can become a co-owner of our company, developing its own CGM technology that millions of users need.
As we enter the global market, the value of the company's shares will be growing along with ever-increasing demand.
Join us now, purchase shares on the most beneficial conditions.