The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 700 000$


CGM technology is being developed continuously

CGM technology is being developed continuously

Every day we are working on developing CGM technology, which will be secured by our own patents and form the basis of our products.

Very soon, we will be revealing the structure of the lab, which is based at the RAS institute's laboratory.

We are currently selecting the technology and forming a field-specific terms of reference, which will be backed up by an agreement with the institute.
Being crucial, this stage sets the course for the development of laboratory research.

As we include the opportunity to hold public sessions with the head of the laboratory in the agreement, so we will soon be able to publicise this work.

This stage will be followed by a stage of laboratory experiments and production tests.

The work is progressing in compliance with the schedule, the implementation of which depends on funding.

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