The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 641 000$


Going to stage 5 on 08.08.2023. Highlights of stage 4 in the MLC project

Going to stage 5 on 08.08.2023.  Highlights of stage 4 in the MLC project

Stage 4 started on March 16, 2023. Many important events for the project have taken place within its timeframe.

- The first patent application was filed. The plan is to eventually submit at least 10 patent applications over the next two years.

- Meetings with potential contractors and partners were held:
- LionTech company;
- Novgorod State University.

An agreement was entered into with the MIET research centre (Moscow National Research University of Electronic Technology).
An agreement was signed with FRAXIS, the general contractor of the development.

- The first offline conference was held in Côte d'Ivoire. The partners and participants of the project also had a meeting in Cameroon.

The number of webinars organised in our project has increased and new countries and languages are being added. You can find the schedule of webinars in the personal office or by following the link

Some statistics.
During stage 4:

1,250 new investors, with the overall number of investors in the project totalling 1,700.
8,700 new registrations, with the overall number of registrations in the project totalling 17,500.

1.1 billion shares with the total value of $ 1.2 million were sold, total liabilities in installments amounted to $ 1.8 million.
Received payments on purchased packages: $ 220,000, total payments received: $ 330,000.

Participants from 21 more countries joined the project. Now 150 countries participate in the project.

All these events have significantly advanced the project in its development and mitigated the risks. Meetings and negotiations are underway and the project will go to the next stage 5 on August 8, 2023.

You can watch a series of videos about the project in your language on our official YouTube channel by following the link or here

Hurry up to join the project at the early stages, while a big discount still applies to the price of shares!

Register on the website and become a participant in the promising MLC project!