The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 655 000$


Investment Memorandum of MLC

Investment Memorandum of MLC

The implementation of the project is successfully moving forward. Every day the project's clients are becoming more and more numerous, business relations are getting more solidified and it is necessary to set well-defined legal plans.

We are pleased to present the Investment Memorandum of MLC.
This document answers the main questions on the development of the project.

One of the main components is the legal structure mapped out as a diagram. You can clearly understand how the company implements its goals and which legal entities are involved.

The Investment Memorandum describes the goals and steps to implement the IPO, to move the R&D results, transformation into a joint-stock company, exchange of investment shares, and the primary legal structure of the production.

The Memorandum is a vector for the legal and financial development of the project.
As the goals are achieved, it will be updated and supplemented with new sections.

The up-to-date version of the Investment Memorandum will always be available in the Documents section of the personal office.