The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 649 000$


Agreement signed to open a company in India

Agreement signed to open a company in India

The MLC project aims to become a global company. For this purpose, a clear development strategy is outlined in the investment memorandum.
According to the roadmap, in 2030 it is planned to enter the Indian stock market and conduct an IPO on the BSE.

In order to implement these goals, a legal structure is being set up that will combine the technological developments and protect the rights of investors.

We are happy to announce that today we have signed an agreement with InBridge, a consulting company with offices and representatives in Russia and India.

InBridge is the link that brings together lawyers from both countries to launch and successfully promote MLC in India.

The company's services have been paid for. Preparations for incorporation of the company commence as of today.

An early and well considered approach to going public is the key to achieving success with the plans set out.