The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 626 750$


Business meeting. Russian Centre for Flexible Electronics

Business meeting. Russian Centre for Flexible Electronics

A business meeting was held on the territory of the Russian Centre for Flexible Electronics.

The meeting was attended by the leading specialists of the Centre headed by the Director General.

The Centre is a high-tech production facility, which is a part of "TechnoSpark" technological platform.
Websites of the production facility and the platform:

"TechnoSpark" establishes production in a wide range of technological domains from scratch: robotics, medical equipment, artificial diamonds, composites, optical coatings, genomics, microbiology, photovoltaics, additive technologies, flexible electronics.

We made a presentation of the Research and Development part of our Terms of Reference, which was developed by our engineers based on the research conducted by the research teams we cooperate with.

The objective of the meeting was discussing the opportunities for contractual use of the centre's equipment for our purposes and determining our production processes.

To this end, we described the upcoming task in detail to the leading specialists and technologists of the centre and received from them the production specifications of the equipment to be included in the Terms of Reference.

Following the meeting, we got confirmation from the production engineers of the Centre for Flexible Electronics regarding the possibility of producing biosensors using their equipment. They also confirmed the possibility of including their equipment in our production cycle.
This will require supplementing the production facilities with consumables necessary for our technology.

Soon we will start the work and launch the production of biosensor test samples.

Photos from the meeting