The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 536 750$


The company named INNOBIOSYSTEMS has been incorporated!

The company named INNOBIOSYSTEMS has been incorporated!

The procedure of incorporation for INNOBIOSYSTEMS has been completed.
Accounts have been opened and all necessary data has been submitted to all state authorities for full legal transparency and compliance with the law. The first team of employees have been formalized.

Certificate of Incorporation

The company has already started to engage in its main activity - accumulation of intellectual property through the acquisition of patents, as well as creating its own solutions for the market and obtaining its own patents.

The plans of INNOBIOSYSTEMS for 2024 include owning 12 to 15 patents for parts and components of MLC products and significantly expanding its capitalization.

The construction activities are being finalized in the laboratory where INNOBIOSTEMS will be testing the technologies used on the products.

Each owner of the MLC shares has the opportunity to become a co-owner of real technologies!