The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 528 500$


Makeup of the MLC research team in China

Makeup of the MLC research team in China

The selection of process equipment is an important endeavour involving many specialists with the right expertise in chemistry and biosensorics.

The company's own specialists were assigned to attend the exhibition, and guests from specialised laboratories in Russia were also invited.

The invited experts included chemists working in highly specialised areas of biosensorics holding advanced degrees.
Their task was to identify and create links between laboratory experiments and production capabilities.

MLC's Chief Technology Officer Valentin Vlasov was also involved in the technology selection. Valentin is a top-class chemist with many successful implementations of physicochemical processes for the innovation cluster, and he is also the author of a large number of articles in renowned scientific periodicals.

The MLC team in China was headed by CEO Ivan Saltanov and Head of International Development Elena Saltanova.

All R&D processes are coordinated by the executive Sergey Melenkov. Over the three days of the exhibition, Sergey held dozens of meetings and captured hundreds of business contacts within the framework of implementing MLC's tasks.

This was the first time we organised a scientific expert field trip of this scale.

The set tasks were fulfilled in full and we are happy to share this news with you.