The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 501 250$


Purchasing the key measuring equipment

Purchasing the key measuring equipment

Our technology is based on electrochemistry and by far the main instrument in the electrochemist's workplace is the potentiostat/galvanostat.

The potentiostat is the electronic equipment needed to control a three-electrode cell and perform most electroanalytical experiments.

In order to purchase these instruments for our laboratory, we conducted a detailed study of the products in terms of quality and specifications offered by different manufacturers.

Based on the results, we selected a Russian manufacturer that is a market leader.
We had several meetings with the management of the company and specialists of the manufacturer to prepare for the work.

Today we would like to announce that we have purchased 3 high-accuracy SmartStat PS-50 potentiostats with the total cost of ~ $ 25,000.
The equipment has already been delivered and is in operation with chemists in our lab.

Link to the manufacturer's website:

Link to the operating manual with specifications:

Quality laboratory equipment opens the door to quality control of the technologies under development and provides stability in creating the MLC technologies.