The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 490 000$


Extending stage 6 for 14 days! There will be no more extensions!

Extending stage 6 for 14 days! There will be no more extensions!

We appreciate every partner supporting our project and thank you for your trust!

We have received a huge number of emails and requests to extend stage 6. We realise that this is a unique chance for you and have decided to give you another 14 days! The +20% offer will also be available until the end of stage 6.

Hurry up! On May 15, the MLC project goes to stage 7, and the investment shares will grow in price by 19.4%!

Don't miss the chance to profitably increase your investments and become a part of the successful MLC project! Take action right now!