
Let's make the planet cleaner! 5th patent application

Let's make the planet cleaner! 5th patent application

Invention name:
Arthrobacter halodurans strain VKM As-2997, bioreceptor biosensor element for determining biochemical oxygen consumption.

More details.
This strain is a new type of bacteria, which has been isolated from the natural environment and has unique features as a biosensor element. Search and isolation of new bacteria is a very complicated procedure and only a few companies have their own strains that have passed the procedure of confirmation of uniqueness through DNA testing and placed in a certified independent repository as samples of a new species (deposited).

The current strain is used by us for rapid testing to assess water body pollution.

Based on the performance of the strain isolated by the MLC companies, an innovative water pollution measurement device will be produced.
The technology has already been tested through scientific research and has a prototype.
Our task is to improve the industrial design taking into account the requests of users and to release it for sale.

India has been chosen as the first country to market the products. Right now, a company in India is already being groomed to distribute the future product.

Environmental problems in India and water pollution are a pressing issue that costs billions of dollars every year.

Our product has a number of advantages, but the main ones are the price and the reduction of measuring time from 5 days (conventional way) to 15 minutes (with our device).

Link to the notice of new application acceptance from the patent office dated 10.05.2024:'s_acceptance_of_the_application.pdf