The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 492 250$


Learn more about MLC at our events!

Learn more about MLC at our events!

Join us for webinars and live meetings with the national representatives and leaders of MLC! We regularly organize events in several languages: French, English, Vietnamese and Hindi.

Our events offer:

- Deep immersion in our project and introduction to the key aspects of the business.
- Information about the company's technologies and products under development.
- The opportunity to ask questions and get comprehensive answers from experts.
- Latest news and events of the company.

Plan your participation by following the schedule of all events in the "Events" section of your personal office account or go to

Don't miss the chance to personally communicate with MLC's leaders and get up-to-date information firsthand! Join our events, we are looking forward to seeing all of you!