The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 481 000$


Get a bonus for early repayment!

Get a bonus for early repayment!

Made more payments early or repaid your installment plan in full early? We'll credit you with a bonus!

How do I make payments early?

When making a payment, select the "Early Repayment" option and check the number of monthly payments you would like to cover. The system will automatically calculate your bonus additional investment shares depending on the denomination of your package and the number of monthly payments covered.


- The more monthly payments you make early, the more additional investment shares you get.
- Additional shares are credited automatically once the payment is made.
- You can enjoy the option of partial early repayment, with the next payment due in 30 days.
- You can use the early repayment option multiple times during a single installment period.
- The promo offers can be combined, adding up to your benefits.

Take advantage of this opportunity and maximize your investment with MLC!

Start building your successful future today!