The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 768 250$


Obtaining our 7th patent!

Obtaining our 7th patent!

A patent has been obtained for a biosensor component used for phenol index determination, which is a significant achievement in the field of analytical chemistry and environmental protection. The phenol index is a measure of the concentration of phenolic compounds in water, which can be toxic and indicate contamination of water bodies and household products.

The patented biosensor component is a sensitive membrane covering a working electrode that reacts with phenols. The membrane contains microorganisms specifically isolated from phenol-containing wastewater, they actively oxidize phenols, causing an electrochemical reaction that is measured by the device. This ensures fast and accurate assessment of the level of contamination by phenolic compounds, which is critical for environmental monitoring and water quality control.

Link to the state registration of the patent: