The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 768 250$


Ready to spread the word about the MLC project and share a unique offer? ?

Ready to spread the word about the MLC project and share a unique offer? ?

Here's how you can effectively invite participants and present all the benefits to them:

1. Introducing the project: Start with a presentation detailing MLC's mission, our roadmap and goals. This will help potential partners understand the prospects of the project.

2. Introducing the team: Introduce our team of Founders. Show who is behind the success of the project and emphasize their experience and accomplishments.

3. Introducing the first product: Share our commercial for our CGM FLY flagship product.

4. Exclusive offer: Introduce the WELCOME package, a unique opportunity to get 90,000 investment shares for just $ 100. This offer provides an excellent opportunity to join the project on the best conditions.$_EN.pdf

5. Video guides: Streamline the process for your partners. Share the video guide "How do I buy a WELCOME package?" and "How do I buy packages of shares?" to make it easy for them to take their first steps in the project.

Use this structure for invitations and help new members discover all the benefits of MLC and the exclusive WELCOME offer!