The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 767 500$


Inviting National Representatives in India!

Inviting National Representatives in India!

If you are an active leader and have your team, we are happy to offer you the opportunity to join the MLC project and be part of the team in India as a National Representative! Our company is actively expanding, and now is the perfect time to invite partners. Together, we will adapt and promote the innovative MLC technologies in one of the world's fastest growing markets.

The Indian economy is developing rapidly and its technology market needs our innovative solutions. As announced earlier, we have established MLC TECH SYSTEMS in India. The Co-Founder and Development Director is Mr. Kiran Jeet Singh, whose in-depth market knowledge will be the key to a successful collaboration.

Inviting partners to the project has become even easier and more profitable with the Welcome package offer. Important: the Welcome offer is valid for EVERYONE up to and including September 15, 2024. Each participant can only purchase one package. After this date, the conditions of the offer will change!

If you have any questions, contact us in the online support chat on the website or in the personal office.