The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 751 750$


Is 25% a lot or a little? Let's take a look using a specific example!

Is 25% a lot or a little? Let's take a look using a specific example!

One of the most popular investment packages is a $ 1,000 package purchased on a 10-month installment plan. How does the coupon for +25% of shares work? Let's see.

At the current stage seven, you get 265,310 shares for a $ 1,000 package. By adding 25% of that amount, which is about 66,327 shares, your total comes to an impressive 331,637 shares. The difference is obvious: you get an additional 25% worth of shares at no extra cost.

This small bonus in the form of a coupon for +25% of shares can significantly increase your investment portfolio. The more shares, the higher your income and prospects for growth.

Don't forget that the validity period is limited! The offer is valid for only 30 days from the date of purchasing a Welcome package.

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