The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 718 250$


Activate the promo code and increase the number of shares in the WELCOME package by up to 200%

Activate the promo code and increase the number of shares in the WELCOME package by up to 200%

Each client who buys a WELCOME package gets a +25% promo code that increases the number of shares in the package for a new purchase.
It's time to activate your promo code and make a purchase!

The offer is valid until October 15, 2024!
The extra premium bonus increasing the number of accrued shares in the WELCOME package will be credited:

To everyone who activates the promo code:

for packages: 500; 1,000
The WELCOME bonus increases
1.2 times! (X1.2)

for packages: 1,500
The WELCOME bonus increases
1.5 times! (X1.5)

for packages: 2,000; 3,000 and more
The WELCOME bonus increases
2 times! (X2).

The accrual will be made after covering the entire cost of the package in a lump-sum payment or upon making the last installment payment.

Support the project and maximize your benefits!