The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 694 000$


Diabetes: doom or a way of life?

Diabetes: doom or a way of life?

Diabetes is a word that many people have fear and uncertainty about. However, is this diagnosis fatal? In fact, modern approaches and medical advances make it possible to assert that having diabetes doesn't mean you are doomed, but instead it is seen as a specific way of life that requires attention and discipline.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that diabetes is a chronic disease associated with metabolic disorders. However, with timely diagnosis and proper treatment, a person can live a full and active life. After all, the key to successful diabetes management is knowledge and control.

One of the key tools that helps people with diabetes keep the disease under control and improve their quality of life is the continuous glucose monitoring system known as CGM.

Thanks to CGM, people with diabetes are able to exercise more freely, travel and be active socially without constantly worrying about their condition. The bottom line is that continuous glucose monitoring opens the door to a more confident and active life, making diabetes not a barrier but simply a new normal that can be successfully managed.