The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 679 750$


10 days more to make a purchase under the conditions of stage 7 + 25% bonus

10 days more to make a purchase under the conditions of stage 7 + 25% bonus

Along with the development stage change, we are entering the new SEED development phase. This is a big step forward for the project!

After the transition takes place, the price of our investment shares will increase.
In anticipation of these future events, we are extending the conditions for buying shares under the conditions of stage 7 for another 10 days! We'll go to stage 8 on November 9.

But there's more! We have a nice surprise for you! When buying any investment package before the stage change, you get an additional bonus giving you +25% of shares after full repayment of your package! This is a great opportunity to enlarge your investment and get more out of your invested funds. Invest profitably!

If you're still contemplating, don't waste any time! Invite your partners and friends! Tell them about our innovative MLC project and the most lucrative investment conditions!

Time is running out, so act now!