The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 679 750$


Only 2 more days left until we go to a new stage!

Only 2 more days left until we go to a new stage!

The MLC project is gearing up for the next stage which is a key moment for all the participants! We are moving from the development phase to creating the first CGM Fly product, increasing the capitalization and intellectual property of the project. With each new stage, the shares in the project are getting more and more valuable!

Don't miss your chance to buy shares right now and make a profitable investment in a promising project!

For those who had an overdue payment and whose installment plan was cancelled, a unique opportunity to restore it in the personal office is available now. But hurry, because this offer is limited and will soon become unavailable!

Use all the advantages offered in the project and invest in your future with MLC!