The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 669 750$


Appointment of Octave ASSOGBA as member of the African Zone Development Board of Directors

Appointment of Octave ASSOGBA as member of the African Zone Development Board of Directors

We are proud to announce the appointment of Octave ASSOGBA as member of the African Zone Development Board of Directors. This event marks a new page in our company's history and emphasizes our strategic goal in the region with high potential for CGM.

Octave ASSOGBA is an outstanding professional with a vast experience and in-depth knowledge of the local market. As our representative and official distributor, he will consolidate our position and expand our influence on the continent. We are confident that his efforts and understanding of customer needs will bring innovations in CGM to fruition and make them available to more people.

Congratulations to Octave on his promotion! His hard work and strategic vision have laid the foundation for further growth. We express our sincere gratitude to him for his contribution to the development of our project and are convinced that with his leadership we will be able to fulfill the potential of the African market and benefit many people on the continent!