The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 764 500$


Diabetes is not an obstacle to success!

Diabetes is not an obstacle to success!

Many celebrities live with diabetes, demonstrating that it is not a barrier to achieving success. For example, musician Bob Dylan has type 1 diabetes, which he was diagnosed with in his youth. He manages his condition with insulin therapy and a healthy diet.

Entrepreneur and billionaire Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, lives with type 2 diabetes, which developed due to a genetic predisposition. He follows a regimen and maintains a healthy diet, which helps him stay energetic. For the record, he even flew to the lower reaches of space in 2021 as part of a spacecraft test flight by Virgin Galactic.

American actor Tom Hanks, winner of many honorable cinematic awards, also has type 2 diabetes. He is actively managing his condition by keeping a healthy diet and regular physical activity, which helps him maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Angelina Jolie, a Hollywood celebrity actress and public figure, was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. The actress managed her blood sugar levels with a balanced diet, special exercises and regular medical check-ups.

These celebrities show that competent diabetes management through proper nutrition, physical activity and regular glucose control allows you to live a full and active life and reach the most incredible heights!

MLC is developing an innovative continuous blood glucose monitoring (CGM) system to help you maintain your usual lifestyle, keep your health under control and achieve success!

Join MLC and become successful together with us!