The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 750 250$


The first live presentation of the MLC project in Benin – an excellent start!

The first live presentation of the MLC project in Benin – an excellent start!

The MLC project is rapidly developing and our National Representatives are already promoting the company and supporting the development of innovative technologies in a huge number of countries.

Recently, the first National Representative in Benin has been appointed. Ibrahim MOHAMED, an exceptional professional and leader with extensive experience in international relations and business, was honored to receive the title.

On November 30th, Ibrahim MOHAMED brilliantly hosted Benin's first offline MLC conference in Cotonou, reaffirming his leadership and bringing together a large number of like-minded people. Together with his team, the leaders and partners of MLC Roger DANSOU, Bilal Octave NOUDEWATO, Boni LAIMOU and Isaac ASSOU, the National Representative told the conference attendees about the project, the benefits of the innovative CGM technology, and the demand for it worldwide.

The conference participants received detailed information about MLC's development strategy and the promotion of its first product, CGM FLY. The guests were excited to learn about the opportunities offered by MLC to develop their own partner business and benefit from investing in the project. The conference was held in a friendly and inspiring atmosphere, all the guests were able to interact with the project leaders in Benin, address important questions, share ideas and feel part of a great community.

Our congratulations to Ibrahim MOHAMED, our National Representative in Benin, on a superbly organized event, which will undoubtedly be the groundwork for further collaboration in the region!

Stay tuned for the schedule of MLC's live meetings and presentations! Don't miss a great opportunity to become part of our international community!