The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 704 750$


Tomorrow! Reduced number of production shares in investment packages

Tomorrow! Reduced number of production shares in investment packages

At the pre-launch stage of the manufacturing company, special investment packages are available on the best conditions.

What does a package include?

- 50% of shares in the technologies used
- 50% of shares in the manufacturing company

Why should you invest now?

- Two lines of business mean double returns: you invest in the technology and manufacturing sectors at once.
- Maximum benefit: participation in the pre-launch stage gives you the opportunity to get shares with the highest discount.
- Flexibility: you will be able to ramp up your investment or purchase extra shares on the most lucrative conditions.

Attention: tomorrow, December 17, the first reduction in the number of shares in the production part of the packages will take place!

The number of shares will be reduced every 7 days.

Don't miss the chance to make a profitable purchase!

All the currently available offers can be found in the price list by following the link:


Share the news with your friends and partners and be part of a successful launch!