The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 679 750$


Hurry to invest in technologies developed by MLC before the end of stage 8!

Hurry to invest in technologies developed by MLC before the end of stage 8!

The sale of shares in the MLC technologies will be CLOSED AT STAGE 8, which may be completed early as soon as the financial targets are met. Currently there are three investment package options available:

- Investment package in the technologies only.
- 50/50 investment package: technology shares + production pre-launch shares.
- Investment package in the production pre-launch only.

All the investment packages can be found in the personal office by following the link:

The technology development work is reaching its final stage and we are preparing to launch MLC's first product, the CGM (continuous blood glucose monitoring) system.
We will complete the sale of new packages of technology shares within stage 8 and use the funds set aside in the installment plans issued for the remaining technology refinement work.

After stage 8:

- Packages of technology investment shares will no longer be available for purchase.
- The remaining shares allocated for technology development will be revoked, increasing dividends for the existing holders.
- Only packages of production investment shares will be available for sale.

If you would like to generate income from both the technologies and production, act now! The sale of investment packages may be closed on any day.

Important! As soon as stage 8 ends, recovery of overdue installment plans for the technology shares will not be applicable. At the moment, it is available by covering the entire overdue amount and contacting online support.

The MLC project is progressing rapidly and already ahead of the roadmap timeline.

Hurry up to become a co-owner of promising technologies together with MLC!