The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 669 750$


Achievements of our partners: MLC project presentation in Cameroon

Achievements of our partners: MLC project presentation in Cameroon

2024 was a very productive year thanks to the active work of our national representatives and leaders of the project. Live meetings and presentations were regularly held in different countries with more and more people being informed about MLC and the opportunities it offers.

At the end of December, the National Representative of MLC in Cameroon Victor ESSOMBE and his team successfully held a presentation of the project in Douala, the economic capital of the country.

The meeting participants were given valuable information on the progress of the project, the development of the flagship product CGM FLY and the high demand for CGM systems worldwide. Victor ESSOMBE shared the latest news and achievements of the project, as well as the results of the meetings with the management team of MLC and representatives of the InnoBioSystems laboratory.

The guests were particularly interested in the opportunities to participate and earn money in the project. The National Representative of MLC and his colleagues answered numerous questions from the audience and shared ambitious plans for developing the project in the region and globally.

Participate in live meetings held by MLC! Become part of a project with high growth potential!