The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 669 750$


How do I choose the right package of investment shares?

How do I choose the right package of investment shares?

You have studied information about the MLC project and decided to support the development of innovative technologies by purchasing a package of investment shares. Now you need to choose which package is right for you. How do you do that?

1. Decide if you would like to become a co-owner of MLC's innovative technologies or buy production shares at the pre-launch stage. Or do you find yourself drawn to both opportunities? You're lucky because right now the following types of packages are available to you in the MLC project:

- Investment package of MLC's technology shares,
- 50/50 investment package: technology shares + production shares at the pre-launch stage,
- Investment package of MLC production shares at the pre-launch stage.

2. Assess your financial capacity and select the appropriate investment package denomination.

3. If you are considering buying a large number of shares, but are not ready to pay the entire price of the package at once, look into the possibility of installment payments to spread the financial burden.

Don't delay choosing a package! The technology shares are only available for purchase until the end of stage 8! Besides, every 7 days the discount on the production shares decreases, which means that the number of these shares in our investment packages is reduced.

Join the ambitious MLC project right now and develop together with us!