The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 444 500$


Partner Business

What is a partner program and how much money can be earned with it?

A partner program is a system in which a personal recommendation is rewarded. You recommend participation in a project or a company's offer to other people and the company pays a percentage of the sale.

Partner programs are also available with large and well-known projects such as: Amazon, AliExpress, Ozon, Booking, AirBNB, AviaSales, as well as banks and financial institutions.
Partner programs have become a part of the modern world, where information is distributed not only offline, but also via the Internet.

A unique identifier - a referral code - is used for a company to understand that a client comes through your recommendation.
When a client clicks on a link with a referral code, he or she is assigned to the referrer. After registration all payments made in accordance with the marketing plan will bring income to the referrer.

The profitability of a partner program allows reaching dozens and hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in income and depends directly on the efforts made to disseminate the information.

What is the essence of the partner program for MLC Engineering?

Each of us is used to buying goods in a convenient place, but few of us think about why this particular product is on the shelf or offered in a store.
In fact, in order for a company to place its goods in retail chains, it must make its brand recognizable or invest in advertising.
With classic goods, up to 70% of the cost is spent on advertising and promotion. 
A partner program and recommendation system allows you to reduce your advertising budget and leverage only your target audience. 
According to the statistics, advertising costs are reduced by more than 3 times.

A partner program allows the project clients to earn, while helping to promote the project itself.

Advantages of multi-level marketing partner programs

Multi-level marketing in the partner program allows to get rewards not only from your first level, but also from the sales made by your invitees.

To launch passive income you need to attract several active leaders to your first line. Thereafter the structure will grow on its own.

More often than not, large structures with dozens of thousands of users start with a few invitations in the first line. 
The earlier you start creating your structure, the more reward you will get. 

Principle of working with the partner program

The principle of work boils down to recruiting a client to register with the project and explaining to them the benefits of participating in the project. The more you communicate with the client engaged, the better the result. 

When a client takes a decision and makes a purchase, you get a percentage of the purchase amount.
The percentage depends on the client's level in your structure and is specified in the marketing plan.

How much can you earn?

Even beginners achieve substantial results and in a few months reach the income amounting to a few thousand dollars. Experienced partners often reach the income level of $ 100,000 or more. 

The more clients you attract personally to your first line, the better your results will be.
In practice, attracting 100 active clients and 10 active partners results in several thousand dollars a month. This result can be improved by expanding your first line. 
Set a financial goal based on this example and very soon you will be able to reach the passive income you pursue.

What will happen after the project funding is completed?

According to the roadmap, when the company raises $ 40 million, it will reach its target turnover and begin raising funds from the public financial market. 

Customer structure and sales will shift to other areas of the company's business, including merchandise sales.
The partner program and the rewards associated with it will continue to be in effect.  
By shaping your customer structure, you secure your passive income for many years to come.

An effective way to recruit clients and the main mistake 99% of people make

Most often, contact with a potential client is established through the Internet. 
Now everyone uses phones and messengers, chat rooms, and social media. 
Contacts via them are the fastest way to communicate, but accessibility often leads to the opposite effect and errors.

Partners begin to send their referral link to all available contacts, expecting that registration is the key to success. Unfortunately, a large number of new registrations is not a token of success. 
You have to talk and communicate with people. 

The surest way is to have a preliminary dialogue before sending your referral link. 
Tell the potential client about the project, talk about the benefits and your personal experience.
Send the presentation and referral link. Arrange a conversation time after studying the information. 

Remind them of yourself until you get a tangible result. 
Remember that communication and personal example are the best motivator to make a purchase.

Language barrier when working with the partner program

When you activate a partner program, clients often start working only in their native language.

Of course, for many people it is difficult to text a person who speaks a different language, and here, first of all, the fear of being misunderstood comes into play. Debunk this myth for yourself. 

With everyone being able to use Google Translate, these barriers disappear. 

Use topic-related social media groups and messenger chats. Choose those who seem to be most active and send them a proposal in their language, using a translator. 
This is a very effective way of building a structure available to everyone!

International structures generate the biggest turnover. 

Examples to be proud of

In our experinece, the MLC Engineering team has seen many examples of working with network partner programs that yield the maximum effect. 
We will tell you the gist without mentioning the names. 

Example 1.
Partner XX registered in the project and decided to earn a profit from the partner program.

He made an agreement with a YouTube blogger to present the project and place his referral link in the description on the channel.
A video with several thousand views was created.

Bottom line.
In total, these actions resulted in 158 people registering in the first line.
Gradually the network was growing as clients started inviting other clients.
As a result, the total number of clients in the structure reached 100 thousand people in 4 years.
The total amount of attracted funds was more than 16 million dollars. 
The partner got his commission from all the payments made. Excellent result for inviting 158 people!

Example 2. 
Partner XX registered in the project and decided to earn a profit from the partner program.

He created a contextual ad in the search engine. It passed moderation and started a flow of registrations.
The amount invested in advertising was about 1 thousand dollars. 

Bottom line.
Registration of more than 900 people.
The partner made a mistake and did not communicate with them, expecting that they would make their own decision.
As a result, it delayed the repayment of funds, but after 3 months, the money spent on advertising paid off.
Then the client began to get a passive reward of $ 100-150.
The partner was not satisfied with it, and he did not continue advertising. 
After 8 months, one of the direct clients made a purchase worth 200 thousand dollars in a lump-sum payment. 
The partner received a referral reward.

He got 30 times the amount spent on advertising.
If the partner had used communication with his clients, the result would have been even better. 

Example 3.
Partner XX registered in a foreign project and decided to earn a profit from the partner program.

He invited 6 people who are experienced in network building. He did not invest in advertising.
He did not put any more efforts.

Bottom line.
The 6 invited partners built a network in several countries.
The network turnover exceeded 25 million dollars.
The monthly earnings amounted to dozens of thousands of dollars.

The strategy should focus not only on finding clients, but also on finding partners willing to work in the project.

We have hundreds of similar examples and we can say with confidence that participation in MLM partner programs is profitable and leads to permanent passive earnings for the partner, and impementing the set goals - for the company.

Every beginner can achieve these results, the main thing is to spread the word and act earlier than others.

Using messengers

Messengers are a free and very effective way to build your network of clients (structure).

Everyone has the opportunity to join a chat room where topics related to finance are discussed. 
Join the chats and use the contacts you find to invite them to the project. 
Do not forget that a client needs to be told about the project and a simple message with a referral code does not work.

From practice.
Not everyone on the planet uses the same messengers and social media. 
Surf the Internet and find out what media and messengers are used by your target audience.  

Sign up for them and get started. 
Often, inviting even a few clients yields great results. Do not miss this opportunity. 

FaceBook, WhatsApp, Telegram work very well in conversations, but Forums, topic-related groups, as well as other types of social media - hundreds of them - work just as well. 

Creating passive income takes action, not thinking about those actions! 
Do it right now and the reward won't be long in coming.