The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 769 750$


Sofian STUMPF - National partner in Switzerland, Algeria, Morocco

Sofian STUMPF - National partner in Switzerland, Algeria, Morocco

In our company there is an important aspect - it is a team spirit and support. Only a team can implement big goals and lead the project to excellent performance in all areas. One person can achieve great results, but only with your team it is possible to multiply these results by thousands of times. Together we are stronger and more confident in achieving our goals.

Today we are proud to introduce you to the new member of our team - Sofian STUMPF, the National Representative of Switzerland, Algeria and Morocco. An indisputable leader full of confidence and enthusiasm, since he is a true professional.

Being a National Representative is a big job because a National Representative is the link between a country and the project. A National Representative works in two directions at once: on project development and on implementation of financial well-being for partners.

Official representative in Switzerland, Morocco, Algeria - Sofian STUMPF
Contact details:
Whatsapp and Telegram :+33628618181