The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 767 500$


MLC Engineering founders

MLC Engineering founders

Founder, CEO 
Ivan Saltanov is a businessman with over 20 years of experience in creating business products, creator and co-organizer of existing IT startups. 
Co-founder, CVO 
Elena Saltanova is a graduate of Intercultural Communication and Public Relations with a Master's degree in Linguistics. Successful experience of building business structure in crowdfunding projects 
since 2015. 
Co-founder, CFO 
Maxim Kolomiets is a certified specialist 
in the securities market. 
A degree 
in the field of 
economics: Finance and Credit. 
Successful experience in building 
and management of IT startups 
since 2010. 
Co-founder, Product Manager 
Sergey Melenkov is a co-founder of a marketing agency, a certified specialist in advertising 
and digital marketing, an entrepreneur 
with many years of experience, having successful history of creating and packaging of IT startups. 
Co-founder, Editor-in-chief 
Marina Tmenova is a specialist with a degree in Economics and Finance. Successful experience of creating business units in IT startups.

You can watch the webinar with all the founders and national representatives of the project on our YouTube channel by following the link