The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 768 250$


Moving to a new development stage and a change in the funding stage

Moving to a new development stage and a change in the funding stage

Over the course of the project, we have made significant progress in implementing the product.

A visual prototype of the sensor has been created and is being refined.

We are creating our own installation and mounting system, which will soon be elaborated as a physical model.

We are close to signing an agreement with a professional contractor for prototyping a microelectronics circuit, which is already being worked out at the level of selecting specific microcontroller options.

This greatly advances the implementation of our product and we are announcing a funding stage change.

The stage change increases the value of our investment shares.
The stage change will take place automatically this month when the sales level specified for the stage is reached.

Hurry up and buy shares at a favourable price!