The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 768 250$


MLC Engineering Board of Directors

MLC Engineering Board of Directors

For the effective management and international development of the company, the MLC Engineering Board of Directors is being established. 
Based on a number of criteria, a rigorous selection process has been conducted among the strong current active project leaders for the position of Board of Directors Member. 
The tasks of the Board Members include solving the most global aspects of the project development at each stage, from the moment of prototype funding to end product sales, strategic development sessions, participation in the product test group, generation of project-related ideas and direct work with project co-founders to ensure successful implementation of the project. 
The Board of Directors will consist of 10 members. 
Current Board Members: 
•Régis DE VOS 
•Gilles WEBER 

•Kiran Jeet Singh
The company's image is always shaped by the top officials of the project and we have therefore focused our attention on leaders with a truly serious approach, who are result-oriented, ready to grow together with the project and work hard for the benefit of the project. 
By taking part in the humanitarian MLC Engineering project you help to improve the quality of life and increase the life expectancy of people all over the planet.