The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 766 000$


Convert cryptocurrency into investments profitably! We are prolonging the offer!

Convert cryptocurrency into investments profitably! We are prolonging the offer!

Profitable investments are the key to future passive income!
While the value of cryptocurrencies is dropping, MLC Engineering's shares are growing in value from stage to stage.
You can still make a profitable "conversion"!
We are prolonging the offer for adding funds until the stage end, namely 20.12.2022 23:59:59 Moscow time.

Add funds to your account in the personal office in USDT or BUSD cryptocurrencies and get +5% extra to the top-up amount.
Purchase the company's shares and you will be able to multiply your investment by several times upon the project implementation.

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While some are losing, you can make a profitable investment!
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