The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 763 000$


Partnership with a team of professionals is the key to success!

Partnership with a team of professionals is the key to success!

MLC Engineering has reached a new project implementation stage.
It's time to partner with a team of professionals in the field of electronics.

Today we had a meeting with Vasiliy Kostromin, the founder of FRAXIS, an experienced engineer and the head of microelectronics development department. Plans for joint implementation of the project were outlined at the meeting.

The meeting was held in the technical department, where microelectronics samples are directly assembled and tested.

Vasiliy Kostromin studied our project and described the implementation procedure in detail, laying the groundwork for further cooperation.

At the meeting, the CGM device electronics samples were handed over for detailed study and drawing up the terms of reference.

FRAXIS specializes in creating microelectronic products. Hundreds of products have already been made, many of which are successfully sold around the world. The company also has connections and the opportunity to work with major engineering companies.

This partnership is entirely based on the support of our investors. An agreement with FRAXIS will be signed at the beginning of next year. The scope and pace of work to be done will depend on the funding pace.

We are successfully heading towards our goal!
We are creating a product that will provide great profits for our investors!

Hurry to join the project on beneficial conditions!

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