The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 700 000$


How can I earn $ 5,000,000 with MLC?

How can I earn $ 5,000,000 with MLC?

Let's look at some simple mathematical examples.

The potential capitalisation of the share cost is estimated to be 1,000 times according to the official statistics of the CGM device market worldwide. 

If you buy a $ 5000 package, you get 4,890,000 shares at stage 4, the growth potential of which amounts to $ 4,890,000 at the expected indicative nominal cost of $ 1 per 1 MLC share. 

If you buy a $1,000 package, you get 828,200 MLC shares at stage 4, the growth potential of which amounts to $ 828,200 at the planned indicative nominal cost. 

If you buy a $ 250 package, you get 196,698 MLC shares at stage 4, the growth potential of which amounts to $ 196,698 at the expected nominal cost of $ 1 per 1 MLC share. 


The discount is reduced along with going to the next stage.