The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 694 000$


The most profitable options and opportunities for investment in the MLC project.

The most profitable options and opportunities for investment in the MLC project.

The project is running profitable offers that will help you get more shares.

When buying new investment packages use the "Double Payment" option (2 monthly payments at once) and you will get more investment shares.
The number of bonus shares is calculated automatically, depending on the amount of payment. You can find a more detailed guide by following the link:

We encourage responsible investors and are happy to offer you extra bonuses. If you make your payments without any days overdue in accordance with the payment schedule, then when making the last payment, you will get an additional 3% shares as a bonus.

If you decide to repay your package purchased in installments ahead of schedule, you will get extra shares corresponding to the nominal value of the package.

We are also happy to offer a special welcome bonus to our active partners. Invite partners directly from the personal office or through your referral link with a gift, and each of you will get 100 shares as a gift!
The guide on inviting partners from the personal office with a gift -
The guide on generating your referral link with a gift -

And do not forget to follow our news not to miss the offers running in our project. Subscribe to our official channels and keep up with all the news! Join us now!