The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 641 000$


Video interview with the head of the engineering centre

Youtube video

Interview with Vasiliy Kostromin, Head of FRAXIS Engineering Centre, chosen as the general contractor for the development of our CGM Fly.
The video starts the cycle covering the development process and intoduction of the team and key specialists in the project.
Heading towards success together with the professionals!

0:00 Introduction.
1:18 About the engineering company and the CEO.
2:50 What the engineers have achieved and what they have been working with.
4:57 Opinion about our MLC project.
5:42 What the engineering centre has previously created in healthcare.
7:34 About the MLC project and the goals set.
10:12 Opinion about the goals of the MLC project.
11:15 About current work in progress.
13:09 How experience and public information help us.
16:56 The trend towards shortening development timeframes.
17:38 Copying or developing something new? Patent work.
19:09 Areas of work.
21:23 Who is the chief scientist in developing our products.
23:57 Evaluation of the scientific background and development facilities.
26:45 ROADMAP and timing of implementing the scientific part of the project.
30:27 Work with engineering documentation.
34:03 Certification and regulatory compliance.
37:24 Innovation.
40:08 Direction for developing the MLC products.
44:42 Ensuring accomplishment of engineering goals.
45:36 Creative team environment.
48:40 Contractors or an in-house team? Which is better?
49:43 Finding and controlling contractors.
52:42 Directions Fraxis is developing in.
55:17 Prospects for co-operation with MLC.