The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Results of negotiations and meetings MLC held in China

Results of negotiations and meetings MLC held in China

Three days of the exhibition, hundreds of conversations and important agreements.
Almost all world manufacturers of special equipment for microchips were present at the exhibition.
It is precisely the type of technology and coating equipment that is used to make our biosensors.

Our team's visit to the exhibition was extremely efficient:
- We found suppliers of equipment to produce the required electrode topology.
- Arrangements were made to test equipment for our application based on our specifications.
- Arrangements have been made to test and purchase a thin-jet machine to produce multi-layer topologies with a line width of up to 1 µm;
- Arrangements have been made for purchasing a fine-jet automatic dispenser to apply the required polymer solutions for membrane production;
- A potential manufacturer of adapters from electrodes to control board has been found and arrangements have been made for the development of drawings and moulds.
- An intermediary company has been selected to communicate with the production facilities in China and establish dialogue.

It is safe to say that the visit to the exhibition in Shanghai has become the basis for the establishment of the MLC branch in China!