The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 750 250$


Where can I find a promo code for +25% of gift shares?

Where can I find a promo code for +25% of gift shares?

The promo code is sent instantly to your e-mail address registered in the MLC personal office, after making a payment on a purchased Welcome package.

You can find the promo code and information on using it in an incoming email from [email protected].

The promo code will also be displayed in the notifications section of your personal office account. To view your notifications, click on the bell in the upper right corner of the personal office.

Don't miss your chance!

Each extra share brings you closer to financial freedom. The more shares you have, the greater your prospects and income in the future.

Join our investors who have already collected their bonuses! Hurry up and purchase a Welcome package to increase your investment by as much as 25% at no extra cost.