The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 731 000$


The number of shares in the WELCOME package is 50,000

The number of shares in the WELCOME package is 50,000

Starting September 26, the WELCOME package includes 50,000 shares for $ 100.
The WELCOME package is still the most profitable in the project and is now available only to new participants!

Each client who buys a WELCOME package gets a +25% promo code to purchase a new package from the current price list.
The promo code is valid for 30 days.

The offer is valid until October 15, 2024!
Activating your promo code for a package of $ 500 or more increases the number of shares in the WELCOME package by up to 200%.

The conditions and terms of crediting the bonus are provided in the news:

Join the project with maximum benefits!