The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 704 750$


3 days left to get a +25% promo code and premium purchase conditions

3 days left to get a +25% promo code and premium purchase conditions

Only 3 days left and these conditions for increasing the number of investment shares will no longer be available to those who have purchased a Welcome package.
Only until October 15, when applying a +25% promo code to a new purchase of a package of investment shares, you can get up to 200% of shares added to the denomination of your Welcome package.
Starting October 16, no more promo codes will be given!

Detailed conditions of the premium offer for the +25% promo code can be found here:

Increase the number of your investment shares on the most beneficial conditions in the promising innovative MLC project!