The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 691 750$


10 days before the stage change!

10 days before the stage change!

In just 10 days, the price of investment shares in our project will increase. The next stage involves growth and upscaling, and it's just around the corner!

Things that have already been done:
- $ 2 million in actual payments received.
- 15% of investment shares distributed.
- The prototype is almost completed and final work is in progress.
- Node certification has been launched, document preparation is underway.
- Technology testing is in full swing - component configuration and IT product development to improve accuracy is in progress. 7 patents have already been obtained and 11 more applications are in the works until the end of 2024!
- The legal structure has been improved, and we will soon move to a new jurisdiction in the UAE, which will greatly enhance our opportunities to attract investment.

We are on the verge of major changes! Think and act right now!