The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 685 750$


The first meeting and strategic session with the National Leaders of the MLC project in Dubai!

The first meeting and strategic session with the National Leaders of the MLC project in Dubai!

Dear colleagues and fellow enthusiasts, today we are taking an important step towards our ambitious goals!

A landmark strategic session with our honored national leaders of the MLC project was held in the heart of Dubai, where our principal investment company is registered.

The top management of the project, including the managers responsible for product development, came there expressly to present to the best performing national partners all the developments made so far, as well as to share insights and immediate plans.

This event was a real feast of ideas and inspiration, with every participant having a unique opportunity to contribute to the future of our project, record an interview with the CEO of MLC, and discuss all the questions of interest with the co-founders' and development team members.

The great atmosphere that prevailed at the meeting was imbued with energy and aspiration for new achievements. The session participants pushed all the boundaries and joined efforts to come up with creative strategies and innovative solutions that will be the foundation for MLC's continued growth and development.

Vibrant discussions, exchange of ideas and experiences, as well as unforgettable moments of friendship and mutual understanding all made the session a true triumph of team spirit.

We are proud of each of you and are looking forward to the new heights that working together will take us to.

We will be releasing a series of posts about this event very soon. In the meantime, you can enjoy the vivid photos from the past event and its amazing atmosphere.

Stay tuned for more news about the project!