The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 691 750$


Make monthly payments in time and get bonuses!

Make monthly payments in time and get bonuses!

Repaying a package of investment shares in the MLC project purchased in installments? Keeping a close eye on your payment schedule and making the due payments in time? Have no overdue payments?

We would like to thank you for the responsible approach to investing and remind you that timely payments entitle you to nice bonuses.

First, you develop your financial discipline and skill in planning and managing your finances.

Second, MLC will give you additional investment shares for meeting the installment payment schedule. Upon making your last payment, you will get bonus shares equal to 3% of the total number of investment shares in your package.

We are happy to reward you with bonuses, because timely repayment of installment plans gives the company the opportunity to evenly distribute the received funds for creating and developing the product, thus bringing you closer to getting the desired profit.

Excellent motivation to repay your installment plan in a timely manner!

Join the MLC project and develop together with us!