The volume of investments mobilized at the pre-launch stage of funding a manufacturing company in China
0 $
1 000 000 $

Amount of expected installment payments: 5 679 750$


Visit to the legal office of MLC GT

Visit to the legal office of MLC GT

We are committed to maximum transparency and openness in the conduct of our business, both legally and in our work with partners.

That is why one of the purposes of the trip to Dubai was to visit the legal office of the company.

The main holding company of our project, MLC GT, is a resident of Meydan Free Zone.

Being registered in Meydan Free Zone means that MLC can enjoy all the benefits of operating there, such as:

1. Full foreign ownership. The company does not need a local executive officer or local shareholder.

2. Tax benefits: Exemption from corporate and income taxes.

3. Freedom of capital: The ability to repatriate profits and capital without restrictions.

4. Simplified procedures: Simplified registration and licensing procedures for doing business.

5. Modern infrastructure: Access to high quality office facilities and supporting infrastructure.

6. Strategic location: Benefits from Dubai's central location as an international hub for trade and logistics.

Having its head legal office in Meydan Free Zone gives MLC a strategic advantage to successfully run and expand its business.